Specialist trader of nonferrous metals and producer of metal roofing materials.


Titanium(chemical symbol Ti  atomic number 22)

Features of titanium
An oxidized film in the air protects the surface of titanium. This oxidized material is extremely stable and has the same corrosion resistance as gold and platinum. It also has very high corrosion resistance to seawater and various oxidants. Titanium is stronger than iron but is 60% lighter and has little heat expansion at 50% of that of stainless steel. For these reasons titanium and titanium alloys are used in heat exchanges in desalination plants for sea water and munitions such as airplanes and submarines. Further, because of its high affinity with biological tissue it is also used in artificial tooth roots and artificial joints.

Physical properties of titanium and other materials

Pure titanium Iron SUS304 Aluminum Copper Glass
Weight 4.51 7.9 8.0 2.7 8.9 2.4
Melting point (℃) 1668 1530 1400 660 1083 800
Young’s Modulus(GPa) 106 192 199 69 117  98 
Conductivity (compared to Cu) 3.1 18.0 2.4 64 100 
Thermal expansion coefficient (x10⁻⁶/℃)) 8.4 12 17 23 17 
Specific heat (J/Kg・K) 520 460 500 880 390 1050

Features of Titanium
Feature Examples
Excellent corrosion resistance Perfect resistance to sea water
Light 60% the weight of stainless steel
Little heat expansion 50% the thermal expansion coefficient of stainless steel
High electric resistance 30x the electric resistance of copper
Incombustible Approved incombustible material (Certificate numberNM-8596)
Designability Coloring possible through anodizing process

Titanium Stock list
Thickness(mm)  Type Width(mm) Length(mm) Weight of 1m(Kg/m)
0.30  TR270 455 COIL 0.62
914 COIL 1.24
 0.40   TR270 914 COIL 1.65

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